DHI/CHOI Hair Transplantation

DHI method in hair transplantation is a hair transplantation method in which hair follicles collected from the donor area are directly transplanted without making any incisions in the hair area.

What is DHI Hair Transplantation?

In hair transplantation, the DHI method is a hair transplantation technique in which hair follicles collected from the donor area are directly implanted into the hair area without making any incisions. In this method, both the collection of hair follicles and their transplantation are carried out simultaneously.

What is the DHI Method?

Derived from the initials of Direct Hair Implantation, the DHI stands for directly implanting hair. The most distinctive feature of this operation is the direct implementation of the hair transplantation process. Therefore, the technical term direct hair implantation is derived from the initial letters of the corresponding terms in Turkish.

Areas of Application of the DHI Method

This technique also provides a great convenience for the treating specialist in operations such as beard and mustache, and eyebrow transplantation.

Collection and Use of Grafts

During hair transplantation, a certain amount of healthy hair follicles are collected from the back of the head to be used for transplantation. These collected hair follicles are known as grafts in the literature. Additionally, these collected grafts form the basic building blocks of the entire operation process.

Procedure Duration

So, how long does a DHI hair transplantation procedure take? The DHI hair transplantation technique takes a little longer than other hair transplantation procedures. While a normal hair transplantation takes an average of 5-6 hours, those undergoing DHI hair transplantation should prepare for 8-10 hours. The reason for the extended duration is the individual attention required for the collection and transplantation of each hair follicle.

Use of Choi Pen

The use of the choi pen in the DHI method shortens the stages of the hair transplantation process. However, while the shortened stages should shorten the duration of the procedure, it actually extends the process. In some operations, 3000 or 5000 grafts are collected and transplanted one by one using the choi pen. Naturally, this can prolong the duration of the procedure.


In summary, the DHI method of hair transplantation is a newly developed technique that is carried out with a special medical pen called the choi pen. The physician does not apply any incision during the hair transplantation. Additionally, the operation takes approximately 8-10 hours and is also called non-shaven hair transplantation. The reason for naming the method in this way is that there is no need to shave the area where the hair transplantation will be applied during the operation.




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