Beard Mustache Transplant

Being well-groomed and looking good is very important for men as well as for women. Beard and mustache are an accessory for men who care about their appearance. However, due to hormonal imbalances, deformations on the skin as a result of various accidents, scarring of the face, burns, various diseases or genetically scarcity of hair follicles, it is a very important problem for many men that hair and beard grow very rarely or not at all.

Being well-groomed and looking good is very important for men as well as for women. Beard and mustache are an accessory for men who care about their appearance. However, due to hormonal imbalances, deformations on the skin as a result of various accidents, scarring of the face, burns, various diseases or genetically scarcity of hair follicles, it is a very important problem for many men that hair and beard grow very rarely or not at all.

With the use of applications that restore hair to people with hair loss problems in the medical world, men who do not have a beard and mustache on their face can now achieve the look they want with beard and mustache transplantation; However, people with diseases such as heart and diabetes must get doctor’s approval before transplantation.

The blade-free surgical procedure used in hair transplantation can also be used in beard and mustache transplantation. Beard and mustache transplantation performed under local anesthesia does not prevent the person from continuing his daily life.

Although very successful results are obtained from the operation, the procedure does not leave any traces, and the beard and mustaches gain a very natural appearance. Transplanted beards and mustaches can be shaved or extended daily.

Mustache Transplantation
Mustache transplantation is performed with the FUE and DHI method used in hair transplantation. FUE and DHI methods are used in mustache transplantation because of the more successful results than other methods. In the FUE method, hair follicles are taken one by one from the back of the locally anesthetized head.

Then, these hair follicles are placed in the mustache area, which has been numbed with local anesthesia, into the canal opened by creating the right angle with the appropriate sized needles. The hair roots are planted in the mustache area as planned, taking into account the demands of the person.

Since this area will also be numbed with local anesthesia, the person does not feel any pain or pain during the procedure. In order not to damage the hair follicles after the procedure, it is recommended to rest for the first 3 days.

Beard Transplant
Beard transplantation, which is a method that can be used by people who have experienced beard loss for various reasons or who have never had a beard, gives the person a permanent beard with both natural and strong roots.

Beard transplantation is performed with the DHI method used in hair transplantation. The hair follicles taken from the local anesthetized area between the two ears on the back of the head are transplanted to the beard area numbed with local anesthesia.

Thanks to the thin tips of DHI pens called Choi pen, both the donor area and the transplanted area heal without a scar. The duration of the operation, which takes 4-6 hours, determines the number of roots to be transplanted.

Beards begin to grow for 10 days after transplantation. Then there is a temporary spill. In the process after shedding, beards begin to grow again, this time.




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